Earlier this month, UCL School of Management’s Dr. Angela Aristidou was invited as a speaker and panelist for “Programmable Biology: Conversations over Dinner & Drinks in London” event. This event, hosted by BlueYard Capital, EQT, and Obvious Ventures, gathered a select group of founders, scientists, and investors to explore the evolving landscape of programmable biology.
Advanced tools, entrepreneur access, and AI are fast-tracking the realisation of programmable biology, bridging the gap between vision and reality. This event was designed to foster insightful discussions in light of these advancements.
Dr. Angela Aristidou was invited to give a talk for the session: Redemption for the Original Sin: How AI will Impact Science and Society. Moderated by Jason Palmer (The Economist), Angela was joined by other panelists, Evgeny Morozov (Author, Researcher, and Founder and Publisher of The Syllabus) and Alan Winfield (Professor of Robot Ethics at UWE Bristol, Honorary Professor at the University of York, and Associate Fellow in the Cambridge Centre for the Future of Intelligence).
Dr. Aristidou’s research in the space of AI initiatives in healthcare is part of her research programme, funded with a large grant from the UK Research Innovation Future Leaders Program (UKRI FLF). As well as Assistant Professor for UCL School of Management, Angela is a Digital Fellow (Faculty Affiliate) at Stanford University’s Digital Economy Lab.
Angela speaks of the importance of the event:
“I was delighted to be invited to share insights from my ongoing research program, and support shaping the local AI ecosystem at a time of great transformation in healthcare and biotech.”
Dr. Aristidou’s research exemplifies the synergy between academia and industry. Her work serves as a prime example of the translation of academic knowledge into real-world impact. Moreover, it highlights the proactive involvement of academics from UCL SoM in driving positive change in the rapidly transforming landscape of AI.