UCL School of Management


Monday, 19 Dec

IMB student speaks at Verslas 2017

Petras Slekys, a first year Information Management for Business student, has been speaking to more than 500 CEOs at 'Verslas 2017', a Lithuanian business conference.
Wednesday, 14 Dec

How artificial intelligence is changing our Christmas shop

Online retailers are using artificial intelligence to enhance and personalise shopping experiences, according to research from Rikke Duus and Mike Cooray.
In the Media

How our hidden preferences towards natural talent lead to biased hiring

Our preference for 'natural talent' results in biased hiring, according to a blog written by Chia-Jung Tsay, Assistant Professor at UCL School of Management.
Tuesday, 13 Dec

Watch out for your next competitor - your consumer

Be wary of your consumers, new research from UCL School of Management warns, because digital innovations have enabled them to become competitors.
Monday, 5 Dec

Entrepreneurs hack their way to success

Two MSc Technology Entrepreneurship students have shown their potential as they won separate hackathons.
Wednesday, 30 Nov

Ersin Körpeoğlu wins INFORMS Doctoral Dissertation Award

Ersin Körpeoğlu, an Assistant Professor at UCL School of Management, has won the 2016 INFORMS Doctoral Dissertation Award.
Monday, 28 Nov

The difference between studying in China and the UK: My experience

Yue Chen, a Msc Management Alumna, has been talking to QS Top MBA about her experience studying abroad with UCL School of Management.

McLaren Motor Racing discuss technology with IMB students

Chris Armstrong, Head of IT at McLaren Motor Racing, discussed the importance of technology with UCL School of Management's BSc Information Management for Business first year students.
Monday, 21 Nov
In the Media

Joe Gladstone discusses how companies price goods on BBC World News

Joe Gladstone, Assistant Professor at UCL School of Management, discussed how companies price goods on BBC World News
Wednesday, 16 Nov
In the Media

Media reports on research showing doctor CEOs hinder innovation

New research from Assistant Professor Sruthi Thatchenkery, which suggests doctor CEO's hinder innovation in medical start-ups, has been widely reported in the media.
Tuesday, 15 Nov

Doctor CEOs hinder innovation in start-ups

Medical doctors with executive roles in medical device start-ups can hinder innovation, finds new research from UCL School of Management and Stanford University, but have a positive impact if they are inventors or board members.
Thursday, 10 Nov
In the Media

Professor Bert De Reyck featured in IMPACT magazine

Professor Bert De Reyck was featured in IMPACT magazine after he worked with Noble Group to develop a decision support system to facilitate the planning and management of Noble’s transshipment operations.
Monday, 7 Nov
In the Media

Chinese media report on joint MBA

Chinese media have been reporting on the new MBA partnership between UCL School of Management and Peking Universitiy's National School of Development.
Friday, 4 Nov

Peking University and UCL agree joint MBA programme

Peking University (PKU) and UCL have signed an agreement which will see the two institutions collaborate to offer the 'Beijing International MBA'
Tuesday, 1 Nov
In the Media

The five barriers to effective digital transformation

Rikke Duus, UCL School of Management, and Mike Cooray, Ashridge Executive Education, have been discussing the five barriers to effective digital transformation with the Chartered Management Institute.
Thursday, 27 Oct
In the Media

Kenny Ching featured in Hays Journal

Kenny Ching, an Assistant Professor at UCL School of Management, has been featured in the latest issue of the Hays Journal discussing 'intrapreneurship.'
Friday, 7 Oct

Ersin Körpeoğlu nominated for INFORMS Doctoral Dissertation Award

Ersin Körpeoğlu, an Assistant Professor at UCL School of Management, has been nominated for the 2016 INFORMS Doctoral Dissertation Award.
Thursday, 6 Oct

SAP and UCL launch SAP’s first UK Next-Gen Lab

SAP is today announcing a partnership with UCL (University College London) to launch its first UK-based Next-Gen Lab.
Tuesday, 4 Oct
In the Media

Joe Gladstone discusses the 5p bag tax on BBC World News

Assistant Professor Joe Gladstone was interviewed by BBC World News about the 5p tax on plastic carrier bags.

Bert De Reyck uses big-data analytics to improve Heathrow operations

Professor Bert De Reyck, Director of the UCL School of Management, is leading a team of researchers from UCL and the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia to improve the passenger experience and reduce delays at Heathrow airport.
Monday, 3 Oct

'View from the 38th' - What do business leaders need to know about AI?

UCL School of Management held its first 'View from the 38th' event at the launch of its new home in Canary Wharf
Friday, 30 Sep

Alan Parkinson and Lynsie Chew featured in latest volume of IJHEM

Dr Alan Parkinson and Lynsie Chew have had an article published in the latest volume of the International Journal of Higher Education Management.
Tuesday, 27 Sep

UCL School of Management expands with new location in Canary Wharf

The UCL School of Management has announced that it has expanded its premises to now include a new space on the 38th floor of the iconic One Canada Square, Canary Wharf in London.
Wednesday, 7 Sep

UCL continues to be one of the top seven global universities

UCL School of Management is proud to be part of one of the World's best universities, as UCL maintained seventh place in the latest QS Global University Rankings.
Tuesday, 6 Sep

Hang Ren nominated for INFORMS Service Science Section Best Student Paper Award

Hang Ren, a PhD student at UCL School of Management, has been nominated for the INFORMS Service Science Section Best Student Paper Award.
Monday, 5 Sep
In the Media

Professor Martin Kilduff explains how to deal with your needy colleagues

Professor Martin Kilduff spoke to the BBC about how to deal with needy colleagues.
Monday, 22 Aug

UCL paper into group emotions wins Academy of Management award

A new paper by Professor Martin Kilduff at UCL School of Management has won the prestigious “Best Annals Paper of the Year Award” from the Academy of Management Annals.
Monday, 15 Aug
In the Media

Chia-Jung Tsay says businesses can learn from Tottenham's Mauricio Pochettino

Ahead of the new English Premier League (EPL) season, Chia-Jung Tsay tells the BBC what businesses can learn from Tottenham Hotspur manager Mauricio Pochettino.
Friday, 5 Aug

School of Management makes Complete University Guide Top 10

UCL School of Management is one of the top 10 places to business and management studies in the UK, according to the Complete University Guide.
Thursday, 28 Jul

POQ secures $4m to grow app commerce

POQ - the app commerce startup created by two former MSc Technology Entrepreneurship students - has secured $4m in funding as they aim to make app commerce bigger than ecommerce.
Monday, 25 Jul
In the Media

Financial Times covers Vaughn Tan's research into job descriptions

Vaughn Tan speaks to the Financial Times about his research which suggests traditional job descriptions could be a thing of the past.
Wednesday, 20 Jul

Fully defined job descriptions are outdated

For successful innovation, hire high performing people with minimal job descriptions and let them adapt their own roles, research from the UCL School of Management suggests.
Friday, 15 Jul

'ICE' can help organisations be more fluid and adapt in the digital age

The ‘ICE’ framework can help organisations be more fluid and adapt in the digital age according to Rikke Duus, UCL School of Management.
Thursday, 7 Jul
In the Media

Chia-Jung Tsay featured in City A.M

Assistant Professor Chia-Jung Tsay was interviewed by City A.M on her research around hiring 'natural' talent.
Monday, 4 Jul
In the Media

Techstars London backs AppraiseMe

AppraiseMe, a start-up founded by students studying MSc Technology Entrepreneurship, has been backed by one of London's leading accelerators, Techstars.

UCL responses and guidance on EU referendum result

In light of the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, UCL President & Provost Professor Michael Arthur assures UCL students and staff from EU countries that they will continue to be as valued and as welcome as before.
Wednesday, 29 Jun

How charged is your digital mind?

Rikke Duus, Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL School of Management, delivered a masterclass at the World Economic Forum earlier this month, addressing the importance of acquiring a digitally-charged mind-set in a fast-paced and interconnected world.
Friday, 10 Jun

Seeing your customer makes you better at your job

The mere sight of a customer motivates you to do your job better, new research from UCL School of Management finds.
Friday, 3 Jun
In the Media

NBA: Do fans prefer LeBron James because he is naturally gifted?

The Wall Street Journal discussed the implications of research from Chia-Jung Tsay, Assistant Professor of Organisation and Innovation, on a sports phenomenon seen in the NBA: assessing whether fans prefer certain players because they are perceived as naturally gifted and not 'strivers.'
Tuesday, 31 May

Ben Paulo to participate in Mandela Washington Fellowship

MSc Technology Entrepreneurship alumnus Ben Paulo has been chosen to participate in the Business and Entrepreneurship track of the Mandela Washington Fellowship 2016.
Wednesday, 25 May
In the Media

Marco Aponte-Moreno discusses 'war games' in Venezuela

As the economic crisis grows in Venezuela, President Nicholas Maduro has deployed the army to strategic areas for two days of 'war games'. Dr Marco Aponte-Moreno, himself a Venezuelan, discusses the ever-changing state of affairs.
Friday, 6 May
In the Media

NFL Career advice: What you know matters more than who you know

Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Martin Kilduff, studied the U.S. National Football League (NFL) to find how the reputation of powerful leaders affects career progression.
Wednesday, 4 May
In the Media

Peter Clark featured in Star Tribune's article

The state of Minnesota largest newspaper Star Tribune has featured Peter Clark in its article 'As deal-making wave crests, three large Minnesota companies will have new owners'. With mergers hitting record valuations last year, he provides an overview of the current situation, illustrating the reason for this surge and who the 'potential targets' are.
Wednesday, 27 Apr

The time-money trade off for growth-focused entrepreneurs

To grow their businesses, entrepreneurs must continually invest both their time and money to generate sales and re-invest the earnings. Despite the popular notion “time is money,” the two resources have different natural properties that leads to several important insights for entrepreneurs, according to Assistant Professor Onesun Steve Yoo from UCL School of Management.
Monday, 25 Apr

UCL Entrepreneur Vishal Sharma wins NACUE ‪Leaders Summit 2016 Awards

UCL Entrepreneurs have won the NACUE ‪Leaders Summit 2016 Awards as 'Best Enterprise Society' in the UK.
Monday, 18 Apr
In the Media

Onesun Steve Yoo featured in BBC article

The BBC have published Onesun Steve Yoo's comments in an article entitled 'How to create something everyone wants.' Steve's research paper 'Optimal Time Allocation for Process Improvement for Growth-Focused Entrepreneurs' has successfully featured in a number of media pieces.
Wednesday, 13 Apr

Competitive workplaces hold women back

Women take competition with other women at work too seriously and it could be damaging their careers, new research from UCL School of Management reveals.
Friday, 8 Apr
In the Media

Peter Clark featured in Barron’s article 'How Not to Sell Your Company'

Peter Clark, Senior Teaching Fellow at the UCL School of Management, shares his specialist knowledge in M&A market to illustrate the complexity of selling a business.

Nilam Kaushik shortlisted for the 3MT competition finals

Congratulations to PhD student Nilam Kaushik who has been selected as one of the top three finalists from the Faculty of Engineering 3 Minute Thesis Competition
Thursday, 7 Apr
In the Media

Kenny Ching featured in BBC’s ‘Mastering a Facebook World’ article

Along with a number of other experts in the field, Kenny Ching, Assistant Professor of Strategy in the School of Management at University College London, shared his specialist knowledge with the BBC about how to build a digital strategy for companies that are lagging behind in this area.
Wednesday, 6 Apr

APM and UCL celebrate twenty-years together

The Association for Project Management (APM) and UCL reunite to celebrate a twenty-year relationship and the accreditation of project management courses.
Thursday, 31 Mar
In the Media

Book launch of Corporate Strategy: Tools for Analysis and Decision-Making

The authors UCL's Bart Vanneste and INSEAD's Phanish Puranam tackle the big decisions that determine whether multi-business companies thrive or falter. Based on over two decades of research and teaching in the world’s leading business schools, this book combines the latest thinking on designing organisations with corporate finance – both key ingredients for a corporate strategist, but which rarely appear together in contemporary books on the topic. By showing corporate strategists how to break down and analyse complex decisions, the authors aim to help improve the quality of corporate strategy choices, show observers how to analyse them and guide students towards understanding them.
Thursday, 24 Mar
In the Media

Peter Antonioni: the changing business of television

UCL Senior Teaching Fellow Peter Antonioni’s in-depth article ‘Community Values: the changing business of television’ on ecnmy.org, uses US comedy ‘Community’ as a perfect case study.

UCL Alumni startup Playbrush is shortlisted for two awards

Congratulations to Paul Varga and Toulope Ogunsina, both alumni of the MSc in Technology Entrepreneurship course, who have been shortlisted for two awards; the Duke of York’s Pitch@Palace for the People's Choice Award - Best Entrepreneur, and the 2016 British Inventors’ Project finalists.
Wednesday, 9 Mar
In the Media

From experience to tenacity: Five traits shared by successful entrepreneurs

Featured in City A.M, MSc Technology Entrepreneurship Programme Director, Chris Coleridge, identifies the key traits he thinks all successful entrepreneurs have in common.
Thursday, 3 Mar

UCL – a “shining example” of support for student entrepreneurs

UCL has been hailed as a “shining example” for supporting student entrepreneurs by the Guardian in an article about whether universities are doing enough to help students start new businesses.
Wednesday, 2 Mar

Network like a chameleon for career success

A new study by Dr Blaine Landis finds that being a social ‘chameleon’ is key to building a successful network within an organisation.
Thursday, 25 Feb

Win a place on the MSc in Technology Entrepreneurship

Enter your business idea into our competition ‘The Panel’, for a chance to win a place on the MSc Technology Entrepreneurship course.
Tuesday, 16 Feb

Jane Britton wins 2016 Provost's Teaching Award

Congratulations to Jane Britton whose outstanding contribution to student learning has been recognised with a Provost's Teaching Award.
Monday, 15 Feb
In the Media

Management research receives global media coverage

Recent research by Chia-Jung Tsay and Sun Young Lee has achieved extensive media coverage, with a combined total of 150 articles and 50,000 shares on social media within the past few months.
Wednesday, 10 Feb

The top ten UK cities to launch a start-up

A UCL School of Management review of the country’s most highly populated towns and cities has revealed the best places to start a business in 2016.
Monday, 8 Feb

Tech Entrepreneurship graduate featured in Forbes' 30 under 30 Europe

MSc Technology Entrepreneurship graduate Marcin Piatkowski has been named in Forbes' 30 under 30 Europe list of the brightest entrepreneurial and management talent looking to bring new ideas to market.
Friday, 5 Feb

The future will be built on open data – here’s why

Using open data presents opportunities for commerce, while also improving communities and everyday living for citizens, writes Rikke Duis in The Conversation.
Friday, 29 Jan
In the Media

Big-data analytics: the power of prediction

Senior Teaching Fellow, Rikke Duus, tells Public Finance that an evidence-based approach using big data is key to efficiency gains in the public sector.
Monday, 25 Jan

Entrepreneur students pitch their ideas at BASE KX

MSc Technology Entreprenuership students took to BASE KX last week to pitch their start-up ideas to colleagues and individuals from the London tech community.
Wednesday, 20 Jan

Bert De Reyck wins major research grant from EuroControl

Professor Bert De Reyck has won a EuroControl research grant for a study which aims to improve the flow of transfer passengers through Heathrow airport.
Monday, 18 Jan

Top tips for pitching your ideas

Chris Coleridge, Programme Director of MSc Technology Entrepreneurship, shares his tips to get the best result from a pitch.
Wednesday, 13 Jan
In the Media

Are recruitment practices in higher education self-serving?

Sun Young Lee explores what her recent findings on the physical attractiveness of job candidates might tell us about recruitment practices in higher education.
Tuesday, 12 Jan

How should entrepreneurs invest their limited time?

To help entrepreneurs relieve their time bottleneck, Assistant Professor Onesun Steve Yoo scientifically revisits the popular mantra of “invest time now to save time later”.